Notable books
Every book is remarkable, especially the one you write! For PeggyLee too. You never know where the book will take you, either while writing it or after you’ve published it. The first book, fiftysomething led to talking on stage at a marketing conference in Huntington Beach, California. The second book, Thrown Into Transition, led to conducting a workshop for an employment fair in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And the third book PeggyLee wrote, The Acceptance Factor, well, that one took her to the state of being emotionally healed.
Published books

fiftysomething (My Life’s Adventure Book 1)

Thrown Into Transition (My Life’s Adventure Book 2)

The Acceptance Factor: To Serenity and Beyond (My Life Adventures Series Book 3)
Compilation Book Series
Imagine a publishing house that allows you to write, create, and share your vision. That is what we do at Courageous Women Publications “You give women a voice,” say many a-author who works with PeggyLee and her company. Your dream book—either the one you’ve had in mind for years or the one that just came to you—comes true. With the support and expertise of the team inside CWP, your “tell-all” becomes easy to tell all.
The Gratitude Book Project series (Amazon best-sellers)
Courageous Women Publications
PeggyLee is the CEO and Founder of Courageous Women Publications™, a one-stop shop for all your writing and self-publishing needs.

“So very proud of my authors inside this series.
I created this series after hearing too many #Toastmasters sharing their stories on stage during speech contests that would forever go unheard. Stories of transformation, survival, and just plain kick-ass victory over adversity, enlightenment over bewilderment, clarity over uncertainty, success over duress, light overflight, and now healing over hurt.
I can tell you that each author in this series has in some way reached another human and made them feel better and not so alone in their current circumstances. They have provided hope and inspiration that continues to this day, even from the stories of the very first volume released April 2017 there have been collaboration between reader and author!
The authors in each volume are amazed that each grouping, each book has been the perfect vehicle for them. Many have written their single books since partaking in the series. I have been just a small part of their success, but oh so grateful and excited to be their springboard.”
PeggyLee Hanson
Author, Publisher, Speaker
Courageous Women Publications
Speak with PeggyLee about the possibility of writing or publishing your story
Why you need to share
your story
You know that sharing your experience—your story—will help someone else be relieved of suffering long before that pain comes. Grief. Bankruptcy. Job loss. Starting a new business. Working with social media. Writing your life story. No matter what the subject, your message will make an impact and change lives for the better. The time has arrived to talk about why you do what you do. As PeggyLee likes to cite, “Someone is waiting to hear what you have to say.”