Open up to the world and the world opens up to you

with PeggyLee Hanson

Helping women leaders of substance share their stories, increase their authority, and have the impact they desire.

PeggyLee Author & Publisher

Open up to the world and the world opens up to you

with PeggyLee Hanson

Helping women leaders of substance share their stories, increase their authority, and have the impact they desire.

Write Your Story With PeggyLee Hanson

PeggyLee helps women leaders & entrepreneurs, tell a story and become authors & authority figures. New authors, who want to write a book or tell their story, can become an authority figure in their domain without any prior authoring or publishing experience. Become an expert, get recognized, increase your brand value and net worth or just tell a story.

PeggyLee Hanson, international bestselling author, publisher, & speaker, has over thirty years’ experience in all aspects of writing and publishing, including ghostwriting, instructional design, procedural and technical manual development, making her vast knowledge and expertise in demand as an often-asked-for commodity. She has helped publish 40+ books and double that number of authors.

She is the author of My Life Adventure Series (fiftysomething, Thrown Into Transition, and The Acceptance Factor), creator of the International bestselling and acclaimed multi-authored series, Courage Under Siege, and a contributor to many other books. PeggyLee has also been featured, quoted, and acknowledged in other authors’ works; even her photo was used on a cover of one!

PeggyLee is the CEO and Founder of Courageous Women Publications™, a one-stop shop for all your writing and self-publishing needs to make your dream book come true. We also create your tell-all easy to tell all.







Are you ready?

Tell your story

Tell Your Story

Do you have a story to tell?

Become an author

Become an Author

Have you ever been told, you should write a book?

Publish your book

Publish Your Book

Are you unsure about what it takes to publish your own book?

PeggyLee has self published many a books on amazon.

Why should you work with PeggyLee?

PeggyLee helps women leaders & entrepreneurs, tell a story and become authors & authority figures. New authors who want to write a book, tell their story can become authority figure in their domain without any prior authoring or publishing experience. Become experts, get recognized, increase your brand value and net worth or just tell a story.


Easy to work with

Most book writers begin as a novice, not knowing what to expect. PeggyLee takes time to walk you through and explain all the steps. “She is so supportive and calm, and there every step of the way. Her processes are very user-friendly.


Has vast expertise

Writing a book takes more than the technical skill itself. There is design involved. PeggyLee has decades of experience to know what will work best for your audience. “Anyone wishing to write a book should connect with her.


Cares about you

Sharing your wisdom, expertise or strategy can be overwhelming. PeggyLee holds you up during the process so that you and your words shine through. She “brought my vision to life exactly of how I envisioned it would look like!

Published Books

Spirituality Modern Disciples Of Jesus Christ

Snowflakes and Rainbows

Curley Curvin a life in pieces (Nine Decades Nine Lives)

The 7 Money Realities (Money,Energy,Mastery)

Love Out Loud

More Joy At Work Now

Healing Ourselves and Our Planet (Trees Speak)

Wisdom From The Univerese

Genuine Real Estate Investing Made Easy

Favorite Soul Searching Quotes

Magnificence Your Voice Within

Formula 5 6 7

The Fascinating You and Shu-Shu

The Audacious Woman

The Woman Behind the Smile

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Compilation Book Series

Courage Under Siege is a multi-authored book series where inside the covers women share their trials and triumphs, adversities to victories, bewilderments to enlightenments and so much more. The stories also reflect human emotion of dread and despair turned into successful endeavors and businesses. Out of the pain comes glory. Most who share their story believe the lessons they’ve learned can help another. What I have found is that when the storyteller shares their experience, the reader picks up what they need to hear, which may be totally different than the intended message of the author. Truly this work is one of Divine Guidance and Inspiration – for both the author and the reader.

Adversity and Victory
Courage Under Siege
Uncertainty to clarity

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Trusted by 200+ authors


“PeggyLee’s warmth and enthusiasm are contagious. At once, I connected with PeggyLee who encouraged and guided me through the personal transformative process of launching my dream. I have benefited greatly from PeggyLee’s expertise and compassion through the dream coach process and look forward to nurturing our professional and personal connection as I move along to the next phase on a new path. If you are looking for professional guidance with natural personal warmth, I highly recommend PeggyLee as a talented mentor.”


Linda Berardi



“PeggyLee is an amazing leader and coach — supportive, enthusiastic, and compassionate. She is as knowledgeable and helpful in practical and technological issues as she is in the more people- and heart-centered aspects of her work. Whenever I’ve had a question or concern about anything related to coaching or to the Dream University® community, I could always depend on PeggyLee for a quick response and for thoughtful, helpful input..”





Betty Liedtke

Owner/CEO, Find Your Buried Treasure, LLC